Should your Land Rover sustain accident damage, it is important that it is repaired correctly. Whilst some insurance companies may want you to use repairers recommended by them, the choice is yours. And the better solution is always a Land Rover Body Repair Centre.
Only Approved Body Repair Centres meet Land Rover´s rigorous standards for quality and service - this ensures not only the quality of workmanship (guaranteed for 3 years by the approved Body Repair Centre), but also that your 6-year anti-corrosion warranty and 3-year/ 100 000km vehicle warranty and Care Plans are retained. Furthermore, the use of a non approved body shop could compromiise your vehicle´s warranty and Care Plan. All important factors to take into account when making your repairer choices.
Phone: +23 330 703 8319, +23 350 129 7872
Plot No. 22B, Off George W. Bush Highway, North Dzorwulu,